Disclosure / About

I’ve been into sex chat for a long time. I had the concept of live video sex chat many years ago and have kept abreast of the developments in the live video sex chat arena since 1994.

If you’d like to contact me – my details are on the contact page.

I like to be transparent about things, and disclosure is an important thing. I assume that most people know that a site like mine is not only to inform and entertain but also set up to make money. I don’t think people assume that the banners and such are just there to make the site look pretty. However, it is proper publishing etiquette to provide disclosure about financial influence in posting info, so that’s what I’m doing here.

I earn money from some of the links and affiliates that I link to from this site. I may also earn money from sites that are linked to. A few of the links I link to I don’t earn anything from at all. I’m going to be completely honest here in this disclosure statement, there are some great sex chat places that I do not link to from here because they do not offer me the type of financial incentive that others do.

When I say that the best sex chat software is the system featured on that page, I do honestly believe that is true. If there has been some newer, better, or cheaper solution released from somewhere I am not yet aware of it. But, I do understand that promoting the live jasmine network for performers is a choice influenced by my possible financial gain from performers joining their system. I encourage you to do your own research and check out all the affiliate portals out there, I even mention some of the good ones along with the ones I make the most money from. Just because I find certain places more successful financially doesn’t mean that your experience could differ or not.

You too can earn money from adult webmaster affiliate programs, check out the programs that we use via the global adult media weblog. Be sure to also post a disclosure statement on any blogs or web sites that you publish in which you have a financial interest, it’s good ethics, it’s good business, and it’s the law as well. It also keeps google and others on your good side, which is important if you want to make money for a long time.

When this web site was first created, I did not link to many affiliate programs, or even have a page setup featuring live sex chat girls, in fact I first set up this web site just as a page to send my friends to who were looking for info and had questions about becoming sex chat performers. After a year or so, my search engine traffic has increased and it just made sense for me to provide additional information for webmasters and web surfers who were also looking for information about where to find live video chat and affiliate programs and sex chat software, so I have added much to this site, and much of that I earn a percentage from when people click over and buy.

I think that is pretty obvious to everyone, but just to be safe, and completely transparent, I am including this information for everyone. I believe that I have provided a ton of very useful information for those who are looking for it, and a lot of info that you probably won’t get from anyone else, so if you find the info here useful, please use my affiliate links to sign up for the various programs and let me earn a couple extra dollars, it won’t cost you a dime, and it will give me the money I need to continue to improve this web site and others.


Certain things on this web site share info about you with third parties. The “add this / share this” buttons just displaying here may give your browser type, ip address and other info to third parties. Some of the banner ads may do the same. If you were surfing with a VPN and using plugins like disconnect or ublock origin, perhaps “privacy badger” – you would be giving less info to these third parties when you visit here.

If you contact us or fill out any forms to send us extra info, we generally do not share that automatically, or at all. Certainly if you asked us to share it and we decided to, or if we needed to from some legal issue or whatever. Over the past 10 years, we have not every needed to share info that people have sent us here.

We have on several occasions suggested that people click over to other web sites and share additional information there – this is generally from places we know fairly well and trust. Places like live Jasmine, Flirt4Free, Chaturbate – we are pretty confident these places are serious about security.

We strongly suggest that you click over to and check out the opt-out information from third party tracker sites that are part of the network here:
To opt out of information collection by NAI members for targeted advertising you may click here – These people are the associated with the “share this / add to any” buttons and services we use on site here – but they share and conglomerate with a bunhc of other places that may be tracking you from other places, and combining all that info about you. Se we suggest popping over there and clicking to opt out of a bunch of stuff. Unfortuantely you have to do that with each web browser you use – they don’t opt out your IP address and all your devices from there.

I welcome your feedback, and hope you find what you are looking for, and the future will be a bright one for you!

Steve – the sex chat guru (self proclaimed btw – full disclosure – lol )